Press Release for Gallup-Lemonade Day Briefing

Lemonade Day Teams Up with Gallup to Host Second Annual Briefing on Business Startup Challenges and Youth Entrepreneurship Opportunities on Thursday, Jan. 17, in Washington, D.C.


Lemonade Day, a well-established global national youth entrepreneurship program that teaches leadership and business skills by encouraging children to launch a lemonade business in their hometown, is teaming up again with Gallup to host its second annual briefing on Business Startup Challenges and Youth Entrepreneurship Opportunities. The 2019 Gallup-Lemonade Day briefing will be held on Thursday, Jan. 17, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Eastern Standard Time at Gallup World Headquarters, 901 F Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20004. Elected officials, leaders of youth organizations, educators, students, business owners and executives, media representatives and others who support youth entrepreneurship are invited to attend.

Registration and a networking breakfast are scheduled from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. The Main Session will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Attendees are also invited to participate in breakout sessions from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. There will also be a special lunch session. For updated details about the agenda and speakers, please click on the hyperlinks. To RSVP, please click on this link. For information on sponsorship opportunities, contact Meghan Kelleher, Lemonade Day National development manager, at 281-972-4195,

The featured speakers will be Jim Clifton, chairman of Gallup; Dr. Ronald Beghetto, PhD, professor of educational psychology and director of the University of Connecticuts Innovation House; Amanda Roman, chief strategy officer of Conscious Capitalism, Inc.; and Karen Kerrigan, president and CEO of Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council; Luis Fortuno, former governor of Puerto Rico; and Hailey Hertzman and Katie Vonder Haar, founders of Ooh La Lemon.

Co-hosts for this briefing are Steven Gordon, Lemonade Day national president, Charlie Hamilton, Lemonade Day National board chairman and serial entrepreneur, and Joe Daly, a partner with Gallup and a member of the Lemonade Day National board of directors. They will share big ideas focused on improving the lives of kids, transforming their thinking, encouraging them to explore potential opportunities, and how adult leaders can influence student achievements that develop character, careers, and companies.


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Gallup research indicates that entrepreneurial aspiration is diminishing and that less than .25 percent of four million high school graduates in the U.S. today are contributing to the economic vitality of their community. These findings reflect the cultural and entrepreneurial deficits in kids today, regardless of their parents income level.

Lemonade Day and Gallup are committed to empowering youth with confidence, valuable skillsets and strategic relationships. Together, our organizations are igniting the sparks of entrepreneurship in young kids that will impact them for life, Gordon said. Gallup is an outspoken proponent of youth entrepreneurship and of our program. Charlie Hamilton and I are honored to join these esteemed thought leaders in furthering the critical conversation on inspiring kids today to be business leaders of tomorrow. Through these types of events, we are recruiting more communities, more sponsors, and more mentors to help us ˜build the future and stir up success one lemonade stand at a time.

More about the Gallup-Lemonade Day Relationship

Gallup, a major champion of entrepreneurship, has been involved with Lemonade Day since 2013. Gallup collaborated with George Washington University in Washington, D.C. to launch the Lemonade Day program there.

Since 2007, the Lemonade Day program has been responsible for engaging one million children in business startup experiences. In 2018, Lemonade Day events were held in 66 licensed markets in the United States and Canada. Lemonade Day has become more than one day. It is a movement to shape the definition of what our countrys future creative leaders will look like. For more information, please visit

Laura M. Pennino, Senior PR Consultant for Lemonade Day
281 286 9398 office, 713 419 1776 mobile,


Excited to be named among “Featured Speakers” at the Gallup-Lemonade Day Briefing in Washington D.C.!   


Hailey and Katie support Cane's Lemonade Day Fundraiser


We’re going back to DC!